Dominic Garcia on Why DRM Matters
News March 31st, 2020

Dominic Garcia on Why DRM Matters

Seeing and sharing these stories has been amazing and very eye opening. I’ve interviewed a number of people being helped by the Mission, and no matter what someone might be going through, there’s a commo...
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The Latest News
Unknown Category March 27th, 2020

The Latest News

We will continue to provide our supporters with the most up to date news during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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We're All In This Together
News March 24th, 2020

We're All In This Together

There's a lot of uncertainty right now, making our daily lives feel scary and discomforting. But, within this uncertainty there's one thing we know as a Mission family and community―we're all in this toget...
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Volunteers: Essential During Stay-at-Home Order
News March 23rd, 2020

Volunteers: Essential During Stay-at-Home Order

Denver Mayor Michael B. Hancock issued a stay-at-home order for the the city of Denver. This does not include essential services like Denver Rescue Mission. Volunteers can still come to help us with our work...
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Join Our Fight During COVID-19
News March 20th, 2020

Join Our Fight During COVID-19

Volunteers are the lifeblood of Denver Rescue Mission. Right now, we need you more than ever...
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COVID-19 Update from Brad Meuli, President/CEO
News March 16th, 2020

COVID-19 Update from Brad Meuli, President/CEO

Working through this challenging COVID-19 pandemic, Denver Rescue Mission will focus on our core essential functions to keep guests, program participants, employees, and volunteers safe. Some programs...
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Committed to the Community Despite the Coronavirus Threat
News March 5th, 2020

Committed to the Community Despite the Coronavirus Threat

In the midst of the COVID-19 virus making headlines across the world, a reporter from USA Today recently asked Denver Rescue Mission CEO & President Brad Meuli how the Mission would be impacted by the potent...
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Letter From our Vice President of Operations
News March 2nd, 2020

Letter From our Vice President of Operations

Every day, men, women and families come to Denver Rescue Mission for help. Coming to the Mission for the first time can be intimidating, and we want our first impression to be one of warmth and love.
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Kolby Dickens on Why DRM Matters
News March 2nd, 2020

Kolby Dickens on Why DRM Matters

One day, my wife and I took an afternoon drive, and we passed by the Mission. A seed got planted in my brain to get involved, but I wasn’t exactly sure how to start. The band that I’m a part of, Too Many...
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The Ministry of Custodial Care
Stories of Changed Lives March 1st, 2020

The Ministry of Custodial Care

Every day at 7:30 a.m., Denver Rescue Mission’s custodial team gets together to have a Bible study. They’ve been studying the New Testament this year, reading a passage each day and discussing how to app...
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