Through the power of Christ, working to bring an end to homelessness in Metro Denver and Northern Colorado, one life at a time.

Here’s How.

Emergency Services

People are invited inside, off the street, where their immediate needs are met and critical relationships are built with Mission staff.


Men living with an addiction are equipped with work readiness skills, receive help to overcome destructive habits, find permanent housing, and begin a new life.

Community Outreach

People struggling in our community receive assistance with food, clothing, furniture, household items and holiday meals.

Home 99

“When I first came to the Mission, I was ashamed of who I became and I lost pretty much everything. But last year, I was able to talk to my family and now looking back, I don’t feel too ashamed, because I came to start a new life and I’ve just been a lot happier.”

Read Shermon’s Story
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““Being here has been a stress reliever,” Latoya said. “I’ve been able to clear my mind, and I’ve been able to focus on my goals and on me.”

Latoya is now working as a certified nursing assistant, and recently was accepted into nursing school.”

Read Latoya’s Story
Home 101

“Going to Denver Rescue Mission really helped me out. I did counseling, Bible studies, started a budget, and started putting money in a savings account,” he said. “Just having a safe place to call home, and not be outside, I just really appreciate what they did for me.”

Read Jerome’s Story
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“The counseling has been a massive help, especially the family counseling because even though they were happy to come home, we were still working on things,” Ralph said.

Read Their Story

Take Action

Lend your hands and heart to help homeless neighbors.

Join Pathways of Hope and make a monthly difference.

Our Impact

Meeting people at their physical and spiritual points of need

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Meals Provided

Home 5


Nights of Shelter

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New Life Program Graduates

Home 11


Households Obtained Housing

Check out our latest Annual Report to learn more
about the impact you had last year.

Hope Starts With You
Give now to help men, women and children overcome homelessness and find a path to better lives.

The Latest

Welcome To Your Next Step

Welcome To Your Next Step

Stories of Changed Lives
September 1, 2024
Our team of case managers has one main goal: to help those experiencing homelessness find stable On the wall of the case management office at 48th Avenue Center it says: Welcome To Your Next He cam…
Letter From Our CEO: March 2024 1

Letter From Our CEO: September 2024

September 1, 2024
One day, I sensed God reminding me that Jesus says in Matthew 7, “Judge not unless you want to be judged.” He also asks, “Why do you look at the speck in someone else’s eye and pay no attention to the log in your own eye?” The truth is, every single human being is made in the image of God. Because of this we all have enormous value—those experiencing homelessness, those struggling with addiction, those with a criminal past, those who look different than ourselves—every single one of …
Housewarming Boxes: Warm a Home, Warm a Heart 8

Housewarming Boxes: Warm a Home, Warm a Heart

Ways to Give
August 27, 2024
Across our neighborhoods, there are families, veterans, seniors, and individuals starting anew. After overcoming the homeless experience, now they face the daunting task of furnishing their new homes with all the basic necessities to live on their …

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