Join us for a special online event Road to Recovery – Finding New Purpose in Northern Colorado on Wednesday, October 7 from 4:00 – 4:45 p.m..
Each fall, we look forward to connecting Harvest Farm and our New Life Program participants with the community through the annual Fall Festival & Corn Maze. Since we aren’t able to gather in-person this year for the Festival, please join us for a special online event showcasing an inside look at Harvest Farm and updates from Fort Collins Rescue Mission.

This event features members of our Northern Colorado Senior Leadership giving updates on the current status of serving those facing homelessness at Fort Collins Rescue Mission as well as rehabilitation program changes at Harvest Farm. Presenters include Seth Forwood, Senior Director of Fort Collins Rescue Mission and Jason Bryant, Director of Emergency Services. Also joining us will be a graduate of Harvest Farm’s New Life Program to share his story.