Solving Homelessness is Complex Work
Every journey into homelessness is unique, and so is every pathway out of homelessness. When someone enters our doors for the first time, our intake team sits down with them and asks a series of questions to...
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How the Mission Ends Homelessness for Families
We are blessed to serve families in a variety of ways at the Mission, most notably through our Bridge program at The Crossing, which gives families and individuals experiencing homelessness a safe place to l...
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Mental Health Awareness Month: Trauma-Informed Care at the Mission
Mental Health Awareness Month is in full swing, and at Denver Rescue Mission, we understand the importance of mental health and trauma-informed care when it comes to experiencing Every person who walks throu...
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The Connection Between Homelessness and Substance Abuse: How the Mission Helps
Our neighbors experiencing homelessness often face a list of complex challenges, ranging from domestic abuse to chronic health concerns to physical disabilities and other forms of trauma. A common misconcept...
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Homeless & Employed
Erin has always made sure her daughter, Jordan, and son, Allen, had two things: a roof over their heads and food to eat. But there was one night when she wasn’t sure she’d be able to...
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Letter From Our VP of Homelessness Resolution: July 2022
I often think about the life journey that brings people through the door at Denver Rescue Mission. As I sit and talk to people, no two stories are the same.
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More Than a Roof
David spent 20 years sleeping in tents, struggling with addiction and feeling like life would never get any better. But when the kindness of strangers saved him from some of Denver’s coldest nights...
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The Driving Force of a Mother: Love
Mother's Day is an opportunity not only to express our appreciation for the way the mothers in our STAR Program care for and love their children but also to speak truth into their lives.
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God Opened the Door
Joella has lived in many places—the streets of Chicago, her sister’s home, Denver Rescue Mission’s transitional housing location called The Crossing, and now—finally—an apartment of her own...
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Letter from Our CEO: May 2022
Dear Friends, Lately, I just cannot stop thinking about the Bible verse Jeremiah 29:13: “You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your What I love about this verse is that God wants us to no...
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