Local Community Leaders Continue Yearly Tradition With Pizazz!
Volunteering February 22nd, 2019

Local Community Leaders Continue Yearly Tradition With Pizazz!

“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we -- Winston Churchill It’s a tradition that’s been years in the In honor of Presidents’ Day, the Mission welcomes Denver’s top executi...
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Use Your Gifts To Serve Others: Denver Rescue Mission’s Mentor Services Help Change Lives
Volunteering January 25th, 2019

Use Your Gifts To Serve Others: Denver Rescue Mission’s Mentor Services Help Change Lives

When Steven talks about his mentor, Jon, you can hear the excitement in his “Why he is just the greatest man!” Steven says as he flips through photos of the two on his Steven was paired with Jon as part ...
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Fort Collins Rescue Mission is Honoring Volunteers this Month!
News April 17th, 2018

Fort Collins Rescue Mission is Honoring Volunteers this Month!

Fort Collins Rescue Mission and Harvest Farm Honoring Volunteers this Month Here at the Mission and Harvest Farm, volunteers are our They help us prepare and serve meals to guests with a caring smile, d...
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We're Honoring Volunteers this Month!
Volunteering April 16th, 2018

We're Honoring Volunteers this Month!

Denver Rescue Mission Honoring Volunteers this Month Here at the Mission, volunteers are our They serve meals with a caring smile, tutor kids who are behind in school, spend time mentoring adults & child...
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April is Alcohol Awareness Month
News April 10th, 2018

April is Alcohol Awareness Month

Did you know that April is National Alcohol Awareness month? Substance abuse is something we see frequently in Denver Rescue Mission's New Life Addiction can be all consuming and can drastically affect ever...
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January is National Mentoring Month
Volunteering January 30th, 2018

January is National Mentoring Month

January is a month of resolutions and fresh It’s also National Mentoring Seeking out the guidance of others who can remain objective to life’s challenges can be extremely positive for Here at Denver Resc...
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