The Mission in My Words: Bob Dalton
News October 2nd, 2023

The Mission in My Words: Bob Dalton

Bob is an entrepreneur, podcast host, TEDx speaker, author, and the founder/CEO of Sackcloth & Ashes. The company's mission is to donate a blanket to a local homeless shelter for every blanket purchased, and...
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A Life Restored
News September 8th, 2023

A Life Restored

Jonnell, a Program Chaplain at The Crossing, shares his story of how the New Life Program helped restore his broken life.
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Good Works
Stories of Changed Lives September 1st, 2023

Good Works

From addiction and depression to homelessness, Vince and Ralph have each had their fair share of struggles. Joining the New Life Program and working at the Mission’s Ministry Outreach Center are helping th...
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Letter From Our VP of Finance & Administration
News September 1st, 2023

Letter From Our VP of Finance & Administration

I am immensely grateful to be part of an incredible team that exemplifies the spirit of service, just as Christ did when He said, "For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve . . ." (Mark...
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The Mission in My Words: Griff Freyschlag
News September 1st, 2023

The Mission in My Words: Griff Freyschlag

After 21 years, Griff retired as the vice president of development at the Mission. His dedication to raising funds for the people we serve and building relationships with donors has been an incredible blessi...
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Meet Our New VP of Development: Brad Jessen
News September 1st, 2023

Meet Our New VP of Development: Brad Jessen

For almost eight years, Brad has worked in the Mission’s development department, and we are blessed to have him in this position.
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When Should You Update Your Will?
Ways to Give August 28th, 2023

When Should You Update Your Will?

Has it been a while since you last updated your Will? Ensure the people and causes you care about are included. Denver Rescue Mission can help today! Life changes. Your Will should change with it.
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A Day Off Can Do a Lot of Good
Get Involved August 7th, 2023

A Day Off Can Do a Lot of Good

See how Monarch Investment & Management Group promotes employee volunteering and supports community care by partnering with the Mission, and discover how your company can make a positive impact in our city.
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Loving Our Neighbors
Stories of Changed Lives August 1st, 2023

Loving Our Neighbors

We often see people on the streets holding signs, but how often do we think about their stories? Hard times, anything helps. This is what Bob wrote on his sign when he was panhandling on the streets. And for...
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Letter From Our CEO: August 2023
News August 1st, 2023

Letter From Our CEO: August 2023

There is a commonly-known story of the Good Samaritan and how that man, when he sees another man hurt and abandoned on the side of the road, steps up to help when no one else will. One of the reasons this st...
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