For 133 years, the Mission has helped countless individuals and families overcome hardship, find recovery over addiction, reunite with family, and build new beginnings. We take heart in our goal to end homelessness, one life at a time

Thank you for believing in and supporting this work. As we reflect on this past year, we are humbled by each testimony of incredible hope. You helped change lives in 2024!

Or keep scrolling to see the impact you’ve made in our community.

What We Do: Core Strategies

Meeting the needs of the most vulnerable

Equipping men through a life-changing program

Transitioning people into stability

Providing essential needs for daily life

How We Do It: Christ-Centered Approach

Loving our neighbor as ourselves, without judgment

Recognizing that we are complex beings who require complex solutions (biological, psychological, social, and spiritual)

Speaking hard truths: first to ourselves and then into the lives of the people we serve and systems we engage within

Believing that all lasting growth and healing depends upon the miraculous work of God


households obtained more stable housing

Because of You…

In addition to our Youth Room, we now have the Skyline Room for teens as well as the Sunshine Room for ages four and under at The Crossing.


Volunteer Hours

Served Double

the Number of Kids

“How I came about knowing you guys started professionally through the SSA Group. I have a very soft spot for homelessness, especially the youth. What you guys do at the youth level is super important to what these kids are going to do when they step outside your program.

What you do needs to be entrusted, whether it’s by big companies like SSA or personally, through families like us. If we don’t do our jobs, you guys aren’t capable of doing yours.”

Nathan Brandt, from SSA Group—Donor and Sponsor of the Sunshine Room

Guests Were Cared for During a Heat Wave

Fatima Mayorga, Volunteer

Mentors Made a Difference

Ben Zastrocky, New Life Program Mentor

Because of You, Our Guests…

“You see people who’ve been closed off start to be a part of conversation. I’ve had guys say, ‘I wasn’t so sure about coming, but I’m really glad I did.’”

Angie Tims, Associate Director of Homelessness Resolution, about a weekly art collaborative for guests at 48th Avenue Center

“COVID came; I went to the doctor, but he told me that I had ovarian cancer, stage four. I could not work anymore. I told my family, and they just left me. I had no place to live. I was alone. I came to the Mission and walked up to the counter with tears in my eyes, and I said, ‘I need somewhere to stay.’ I knew it was the place that I needed to be to heal.”

Nancy, Former Bridge Program Participant

“I’m thankful for my sobriety. With sobriety comes family, my kids, stability, and happiness.”

Lisa, Former Bridge Program Participant

“My dad died when I was 13. When I was 18, I got some money, and I blew it all right away. I bought myself a truck and I was living out of it. I ended up becoming really depressed and my truck got vandalized. I stayed on the streets for months. Since I came into the program, I notice more confidence, just an all-around healthier mental and physical version of myself. I give thanks every day for being in recovery and for the changes that God has helped me to make.”

Vince, New Life Program Graduate & Recent Homeowner

Because of You, Our Staff…

Read more about how our Complex Case team is addressing complex needs here.

“A guest was referred to the Complex Case team by a Peer Navigator who had built rapport with him. He took a leap of faith in Jesus and in the Mission’s staff to help him. Now after six months he is stably housed and says he’s never looking back.

Madelyn St Clair, Associate Director of Complex Case Team


Unique Complex
Case Guests


Obtained More
Stable Housing

“Peer Navigators are now holding process groups for our shelter guests at 48th. They are utilizing their peer navigation certification training to help guests discuss their homelessness experience in a safe setting.”

Jonathan Soweidy, Director of Housing Stability

“By integrating a psychosocial questionnaire into the intake process, the Intake team provides valuable insights that ensure participants are matched with work readiness roles that align with their strengths, needs, desires, and long-term career aspirations. Previously, participants were assigned to departments solely based on availability. Since implementing our personalized approach, we’ve seen a reduction in transfer requests and complaints from both work readiness supervisors and participants.”

Michael McCarthy, Director of Risk Management

“We served over one million opportunities to see the face of Jesus with each meal. Loving those who society may see as ‘less-than’ is bold. I have seen so many lives changed by these simple daily acts of grace.”

Kevin Baker, Director of Food Services

1,237,402 Meals Served

“EVERYONE who tours our shelters cannot help but comment on how clean they are, and the Denver Department of Public Health and Environment uses us as the example to aim for.”

Cale Johansson, Director of Custodial Services

Harvest Farm enhanced support for men with severe and persistent mental illnesses by incorporating psychiatrist services and medically assisted treatment (MAT).

“Bill faced a history of severe childhood trauma. He was also managing type one diabetes and was on 15 psychiatric medications due to frequent stays in various mental health hospitals. Our psychiatric nurse practitioner worked closely with him to address his needs, including reducing his medication load. By the time Bill graduated from the New Life Program, he had successfully discontinued all medications, secured employment, saved over $6,000, received a vehicle from the Mission, found his own apartment, and decided to accept Christ.”

Kyle McPherson, Director of Residential Programs


Increase of Graduates*


Of Full Capacity

Jason Bryant, Director of Community Life

“I watched Vince come here as a last resort. He got one of our cars and is still driving it today. The pure joy on his face when he got his car was PRICELESS. He bought a house in Strasburg; I’m proud to say he is my neighbor.

Vince was able to use the Mission as his backbone of success and his love for God has bloomed into a full-on relationship.”

Eddie Culpepper, Senior Fleet Mechanic

“The guest services department at the Lawrence Street Community Center decided it was time to strengthen their collaborative spirit with other departments. They envisioned training that would foster teamwork by inviting other departments to come learn how the guest services department works.”

Sherry Mowery, Guest Services Lead

“Zac graduated from the New Life Program at Harvest Farm and in three months he thought he could be a ‘social drinker.’ He called me after he started drinking and was bold enough to put his pride aside. He wanted to be held accountable, wanted to be better moving forward in his life. He came back into the program where he had a better grasp on what he wanted to accomplish. It took him knowing that his relationship with God had to be strong and to put himself on the back burner, to fix the thing he struggled with for so many years. Now he is working and knows his limits on work-life balance.”

Darrol Telck, Livestock Coordinator


Support, Revenue, and Expenses

Impact Report 2024 1


53.4% Individuals
29.2% Program Service Contracts
11.3% Corporations, Foundations & Churches
3.4% Other Income
2.7% Legacy Gifts (Estates)


82.7% Program Services
13.6% Fundraising
3.7% General Administrative

Statistics reflect fiscal year July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024

The Better Business Bureau Wise Giving Alliance recommends giving to organizations who spend at least 65% of their total expenses on program activities. Last year, 83% of our expenses were in program services.

Download our audited financial statement at

What’s Next

Looking forward into 2025, we plan to…

We will seek to identify and work with families and children who are not currently experiencing homelessness but are on the edge. The goal is to help keep them from ever becoming homeless.

We will continue to improve safety and security for our staff, volunteers and guests. Strategies include facility changes, enhanced safety and security measures, more training, and much more.

It is our hope and prayer that in 2025 we will be able to complete the fundraising for and break ground on our new homeless resolution center in Fort Collins! We will also explore opportunities to expand to other areas within the Denver Metro and northern Colorado.

We are exploring partnerships in becoming permanent housing providers and enhancing workforce development opportunities for our guests.

Letter From Our CEO

In the book of Philippians, Paul begins with, “I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now.”

I, too, thank God for each of you. Because of you, last year more people left homelessness for more stable housing through the Mission than ever before. More people left addiction, attained and maintained jobs and grew in their faith in Jesus.

God has sustained this ministry for 133 years, and we could not do this work without you. Last year, as for many years, we continued to serve men, women, families, and children in many ways. We served double the number of kids, spurring the growth and enhancement of our Youth Center programming, which included the addition of two age-specific rooms for ages zero to four and for teenagers.

Those we serve are people made in the image of God, and they are loved, valued and far more than the worst thing they have ever done or the worst challenge they have ever faced. This past year we formed a Complex Case team where we have successfully worked with those with the most complex needs in our community and helped them into more stable housing.

Jesus says that when we feed anyone who is hungry, when we invite in anyone who is a stranger, when we care for anyone who is sick, when we clothe anyone who needs clothes, that in a mysterious way we are actually doing these unto Him. This is why we serve anyone who comes to our door, and we do all we can to help them leave homelessness forever. This is why we share the love and hope of Jesus, because every single human being matters to God, so they matter to us.

Thank you for making our work possible! Thank you for making our community better! Thank you for helping us in our work to bring an end to homelessness, one life at a time!

For God’s glory,

Dennis Van Kampen

Senior Leadership Team

Letter From Our CEO: March 2024

Dennis Van Kampen


Leadership Team 7

Tracy Brooks

Chief Programs Officer

Seth Forwood

Vice President of Programs,
Northern Colorado

Leadership Team 11

Ashley Irwin

Vice President of Operations

Leadership Team 10

Brad Jessen

Vice President of Development

Kirk LaPoure

Chief Financial Officer/Vice President of Finance and Administration

Rene Palacios

Vice President of Programs, Denver

Leadership Team 14

Micaiah Parreco

Executive Office Manager

Lili Tran

Chief People and Culture Officer

Board of Directors

Cathy Goss, Chairman

Richard Carvill, Vice Chairman

Scott Harris, Treasurer

Dustin Hailey, Secretary

Jon Gettings

Jonathan Holmes

Leif Houkom

Mauri Resseguie

Tom Tucker