Every journey into homelessness is unique, and so is every pathway out of homelessness. When someone enters our doors for the first time, our intake team sits down with them and asks a series of questions to assess what their needs are.
“It costs a lot for someone to enter the homeless system, and once they enter, it’s really hard to get out, and they’re exposed to a lot of traumas,” said Senior Director of Homelessness Resolution, Deb Butte. “So, we are not being kind by letting anybody in that doesn’t need to be in shelter.”

Our intake team assesses each individual’s needs and looks for other solutions to divert them from the shelter setting. When shelter is appropriate for someone, our team works with them to get on housing lists or identify unique programs and resources they may qualify for.
Our Complex Case Team is Ending Homelessness, One Life at a Time
There is a large population of people who have challenges accessing the services they need for stability. Certain barriers such as mobility issues or a chronic physical disability, cognitive impairment, developmental disability, and more can create complex situations that are difficult to fix with traditional solutions.
Through a contract with the City of Denver, the Mission has a Complex Case Management team that not only helps those with high acuity needs within our own shelters but helps men and women who are referred to us from around the city.

What are high acuity needs?
These guests may need help remembering an appointment, getting to an appointment, understanding what they are being asked to do by a housing provider in the community, responding to mail, or returning a phone call, as they struggle following tasks to completion or independently.
“Providers all over Denver say, ‘This case is so complicated, we don’t have the skills, the staff or the mobility to be able to take this client out in the community and get these things done,’” Deb said. “So, the Complex Case team is putting clients into a wheelchair handicap van and transporting people all over the community.”
What Does This Work Look Like in Action?
Our Complex Case team helped one guest who was born blind and has always relied on others to guide him in unfamiliar places. When his engagement ended with his fiancé two weeks before their wedding, he lost everything. The only plan he had was to come to the front door at the Mission and get case management for housing.
In 2018 he graduated from the New Life Program at The Crossing, so he said he “trusted the Mission to get him where he needed to be and ultimately, he knew God was in control of his story.” We were able to help get him housed in five months. He is still there and has been connected with others in the community who can help him navigate his environment.
Our staff has several connections within the community and the most accurate resource referrals, which is why we are trusted to get their clients the best resources for their situation.

“We have a whole team that is empowering our case managers to have the resources that they need and making sure all of our forms are up to date,” Deb said.
This allows our case managers not to waste time looking up the best providers or where to refer people to as they are meeting with guests. Resources are changing constantly, so our case managers know they can trust the information in our system to be the most accurate and up to date so guests can get connected quickly.
We also bring providers into our shelter which eliminates transportation barriers, gets guests connected more efficiently and helps build trust.
People Who Lost All Hope Are Getting Housed
We are grateful that our Complex Case team has been able to place 39 people into long-term solutions (from March to November 2024) and we have 36 more waiting for housing.
39 people in more stable housing
For people who have lost all hope, overwhelmed by a tangible path out of homelessness, our Complex Case team meets them where they are and literally walks alongside them until they find more stable solutions. For some who are elderly, that may mean hospice or an assisted living facility where they can live the rest of their days with dignity. This is complex, challenging work, but people are getting housed, and people are finding hope.
- Hospitals have said: “This is exactly the kind of support this client needs. They need someone to be ‘hands on’ helping them and meeting them where they are at.”
- Other homeless providers have said: “Your case management has been immensely beneficial for these people experiencing homelessness. I wish you could help everyone.”
- Referring partners have said: “We are going to keep referring clients to you as your outcomes are remarkable.”
- The City of Denver has renewed our contract for 2025 to continue providing help for these individuals.
Help Meet the Most Complex of Needs
Your generosity can help people with the most complex needs find a more stable solution to end homelessness in their lives.