We all have a story. Because of your generosity, those experiencing homelessness and hardship in our community have turned moments of despair into stories of hope and resilience.
You have been instrumental in rewriting stories of homelessness in 2023! During many different chapters of people’s lives, thank you for helping us provide meals, shelter and life-changing programs.
Or keep scrolling to see the impact you’ve made in our community.
Meeting the needs of the most vulnerable
Equipping men through a life-changing program
Transitioning people into stability
Providing essential needs for daily life
MaDonna was struggling with addiction and living on the streets for years. As a single mother she came to The Crossing for help, and now her family is in an apartment of their own.
“Thank you for giving my family hope and for showing me and my family that things get better and that there are people out there who care.”
Tony graduated the New Life Program in 2011, and 13 years later, he is a homeowner, husband, father, and a teacher.
“Without God, without the help from the people at the Mission, I could not have done any of the things that I did. Without the New Life Program, I wouldn’t have a new life, I wouldn’t be sitting here today.”
Frances lost everything in a house
fire, including her six-year-old son.
The Mission was there to help her
get into a place, and get extra
support with food, household and
hygiene items.
“Thank you for your generous heart. You impact lives, especially mine, with your generosity.”
Tommy struggled with addiction and relationship difficulties. Now, Tommy and his brother are graduates of the New Life Program, are reunited and have new lives in Christ.
“This program helped me to build better and new habits. We don’t have to bring anything but ourselves here. God has molded me into a man I thought I would never become. I’m thankful to our donors and this staff, because I couldn’t have done it without y’all.”
Tonya grew up in a strict and abusive household. When she left that situation with her daughter, the Mission was there to help.
“I am very grateful for every single donor. When you know that you have help and support, it helps you push forward, keep going and accomplish those goals. It truly does.”
Dedrick’s struggle with alcoholism, relationship difficulties and depression were affecting his spiritual connection with God, his self-esteem and his outlook on life.
“The Mission has given me not just a place to call home for the time—a place of restoration, spiritual growth, learning coping skills, getting my health and things together—but a foundation of connections and the understanding of the parts of myself. I’m going to take all that with me.”
You made an impact on 10,880 people’s stories of homelessness through…
You made an impact on 10,880 people’s stories of homelessness through…
Households Obtained Housing
(All Programs/Services)
Nights of Shelter
Households Served Through Transitional Programs
Pounds of Clothing
Vehicles Donated
You helped individuals turn many pages of progress through…
Participants Created a Budget
(All Programs)
Individuals Obtained an ID
Individuals Obtained or Improved Employment
Individuals Connected with Mental Health Care
You helped men in recovery start a new chapter through…
New Life Program Graduates
One-Year Success Rate in Housing
Average Starting Wage*
Thank you for giving hope to stories of hopelessness through…
Volunteer Hours
Change Makers
(Long-Term Volunteers)
Average Donation Size
*Average starting wage exact total was $20.30
New Life Program Mentor
My Why: “There was a gentleman on the corner near my house, and I would give him a couple of bucks. That led to me stopping and saying, ‘Would you like something to eat?’ I really enjoyed that experience and I wanted to do more of that.”
A Story of Impact: “My mentee, Smiley, and I went camping up in Leadville. He wanted to go fishing and we caught five rainbow trout. Great for me is, Smiley has a background in the culinary arts. Smiley cooked them up that night and to my surprise he brought a whole bunch of great seasonings. I thought I was at a five-star restaurant. We had a great experience. I think it was just good for the soul. And what do I get? I gain a friend, and I get this personal satisfaction that I’m helping somebody in a small way.”
Music Volunteer at Lawrence Street Community Center
My Why: “My son was an alcoholic, and I was seeing his struggles, and it just gave me a heart for those who are here. Praise God, he is doing so well, and I appreciate the Mission because they fed him, clothed him and housed him during those horrible years.”
A Story of Impact: “The majority of guests go by and say thank you or just have really sweet things to say. There was one day when I was starting to put things away, and this guy comes up and just starts bawling. I just gave him a hug and shared with him about Jesus and prayed with him.”
Young Professionals Member
My Why: “I got connected through the RiNo 5k. There was a young professionals and volunteer pamphlet in the race bag. I was looking for volunteer opportunities, and they had a serve and social, serving dinner at Lawrence Street in 2019. I was like, ‘This is what I’ve been looking for.’ I just fell in love with the Mission after serving dinner that night.”
A Story of Impact: “I really liked the camaraderie of the Mission in early 2020. I was trying to volunteer as much as I could, and I look back on just the shared experience of all of us afraid of what this pandemic would do to everyone. It was really great to get to know some of the guests at that time, know their names and what led them here. It was really great in our YP group because people were emailing us all the time, like, ‘How can I help?’ People still really wanted to give back to their community and just do something because I think we all just felt so helpless at that time.”
My Why: “I’ve been supporting the Mission for about 25 years. I think many people’s first impression is that it’s a place that serves lunch to people who are down and out and provides someplace to sleep. But I’ve learned that there is so much more.”
A Story of Impact: “I visited the Mission facility called The Crossing and what that brought home to me was that Denver Rescue Mission serves families and serves longer-term than just a lunch. They do so much more than serving lunch downtown or providing shelter. They have a mission, in the broad sense, of providing shelter and long-term support for individuals and families in a very big way.”
Monthly Donors
Our Why: “Jesus calls us to help the people in need, and I think Denver Rescue Mission really meets people at their needs at different levels. I think it’s a great outreach in the name of Christ, and that’s what’s important.” -Dale
A Story of Impact: “We volunteer about once a month, and the first time I thought, ‘This is such a big ministry. I think they have plenty of volunteers.’ But I could really see a need for volunteers. It’s opening my eyes to how many people are there, and how hungry they are. Some of them do want to engage with you and the first time, someone stopped and continued to tell his story. He was looking for a job, was struggling with health issues and said it’s been really hard for him. I asked his first name and told him I’ll be praying for him, and I prayed for him for several weeks. It’s been eye-opening to see how much is done there to help people’s lives.” -Kathy
Statistics reflect fiscal year July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023
The Better Business Bureau Wise Giving Alliance recommends giving to organizations who spend at least 65% of their total expenses on program activities. Last year, 83% of our expenses were in program services.
Download our audited financial statement at DenverRescueMission.org/Financial-Accountability.
In an ever-changing world, Christ has always been at the center of our work.
As we have continued our three-year strategic plan, one of our initiatives was to clarify how we have been and will continue to show up in this ministry. We settled on four key points, creating our Christ-Centered Approach:
Loving our neighbor as ourselves, without judgement.
Recognizing that we are complex beings who require complex solutions (biological, psychological, social, and spiritual).
Speaking hard truths: first to ourselves and then into the lives of the people we serve and systems we engage within.
Believing that all lasting growth and healing depends upon the miraculous work of God.
Looking forward, we will stand strong in this approach as we:
Thank you for joining us to help rewrite so many stories of homelessness. Because of you, our story continues, just as it has over the last 131 years.
We all have a story. The story of my time with Denver Rescue Mission began in 1987 when I was first introduced to this compassionate ministry and began as a volunteer. At that time, I could not have imagined that I would come on staff on April Fool’s Day in 1999, almost 25 years ago. It has been an incredible journey.
I was asked recently to share what I have learned during this time. I have learned to be grateful.
Watching God open doors time and again has been an unbelievable gift.
This past year we have heard the stories of so many men, women and children who need us. In the pages that follow, you can read about the 1.1 million meals we served (the most ever), the nearly 428,000 nights of shelter provided, almost 11,000 unique individuals served, and the 539 households that obtained housing and are no longer homeless.
While we are proud of these numbers, we never forget that each number represents a man, woman or child—a soul with their own unique story—who we are commanded to love and care for. And each one of them is so worthy of our love, worthy of our effort, worthy our resources.
It has been my honor to shepherd this Mission for 25 years. I praise Him for all he has done and am grateful that this story of changing lives will continue because of you.
Brad Meuli
Tracy Brooks
Vice President of Homelessness Resolution
Brad Jessen
Vice President of Development
Chris Jorgensen
Chief Financial Officer
Josh Geppelt
Vice President of Programs
Sherri Heronema
Vice President of Human Resources
Ashley Irwin
Vice President of Operations
Joseph Fortna, Chairman
Cathy Goss, Vice Chairman
Scott Harris, Treasurer
Stuart Pattison, Secretary
Richard Carvill
Dustin Hailey
Leif Houkom
Mark Huang
Teresa Stewart