Think about this number: 59,960 hours. This adds up to around seven years’ worth of time. Last year alone, our generous volunteers gave that many hours of their time to the Mission. They are the reason we can give hope to so many people year after year.
Matthew 25:40 says, “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters, you did for me.”
Thank you for generously coming alongside our neighbors in need.
Our work to change lives is not possible without our volunteers. Here are a few of their stories:
Lisa Carlson – Fort Collins Rescue Mission and Harvest Farm

After seeing people on the street corners with signs, wondering what their stories were and if there is a better way to help, Lisa began volunteering at Fort Collins Rescue Mission. She volunteers in the office regularly, enjoying the work saying, “If I didn’t enjoy being there, I would not keep going. Even though the main reason I’m there is to contribute to the Mission’s work, it’s a huge bonus to be around such a great team of people.”
To increase her impact, Lisa began baking cakes to bring for the graduation celebrations at Harvest Farm. “It’s challenging for them to get through the program. And the few guys that do, really deserve to be celebrated.” She encourages others to volunteer saying, “Just do it, so much of what we do is for ourselves and for our families and it feels good to do what Jesus calls us to do for someone else.”
Jim Heyl – Denver Bronco’s Youth Center

Jim began volunteering in the Denver Broncos Youth Center, also known as the Broncos Room, more than 12 years ago when his daughter suggested it to him. “Working with young students is what I really enjoy,” he said. “I am pretty good at mathematics so I feel I can help kids with their homework while developing a better understanding of what they are studying in school.”
He encourages others to come in and try volunteering. “I think the biggest thing we should come in with is an open mind. We are going to learn from them while they are mastering their educational challenges.”
Jim enjoys interacting with the kids alongside the staff and volunteers and the energy the kids have. “I always leave refreshed, and that’s what I know is going to happen today. And so that keeps me coming back.”
To learn more about Jim’s volunteer experience check out his Mission In My Words using this link:
Erin Heiser – Lawrence Street Community Center

Erin has been a volunteer dishwasher at Lawrence Street Community Center since December of last year but has been volunteering at different organizations throughout her entire life. “My mom was into volunteering, and I started when I was at least a sophomore in high school. She is my inspiration,” Erin said. She chose to fill the dishwashing shift after noticing that it was always open. “I can dish wash. I’m covered in food and I’m wet, but I can take a shower. I feel industrious in that regard,” she said.
She encourages others to volunteer by saying, “They need all the help they can get. And your time, even just an hour, can make a bigger difference than you think. You’re going to get more out of it than you ever realized.”
Jon Metz – Mentor for the New Life Program

When Jon moved to Colorado almost two years ago, he found a way to fulfill his passion of serving the underserved in his city at Denver Rescue Mission. Jon is currently mentoring Nick who is a part of the New Life Program. “I think it gives you a perspective of the most vulnerable in the world, the most vulnerable in your city, and the most vulnerable on your block. My favorite part is just the relationship I get to make with Nick.”
Jon hopes that more young guys will get involved with the Mission saying, “A lot of times guys are like, ‘I’m just going to watch TV or watch March Madness.’ It’s like, okay great, but at the end of the day there are people out in the world who are suffering and need help and need people. They need real guys who are doing life okay, not perfect, but okay that they can just be friends with.”
Jim Pierce – Harvest Farm LifeSkills Education Center Teacher and Mentor

After moving to a ranch about a mile away from Harvest Farm six years ago, Jim wanted to become more involved and give back to his community. He began as a mentor and now teaches the LifeSkills Education Center Computer Skills class too. “I really like the guys,” he said. “They have all been through tough situations. But they have a strong desire to turn their life around, to start a new life. They continue to persevere even though the program is a challenge.”
Jim feels blessed to serve at a Christ-focused organization. “I want to give back, but the blessings keep coming back in return. Why wouldn’t I continue to engage at a place that gives me so much satisfaction?” He now attends morning devotions with participants to connect with previous participants and to interact more with the amazing staff. “The staff is great. They are caring, attentive and are role models to everyone who is associated with the program. They are an inspiration to all and another reason I keep coming back.”
Angela Williams – Change Maker at The Crossing

Angela works with Advocates for Recovery Colorado alongside Denver Rescue Mission as a Change Maker. She leads peer support groups for men throughout their time in the New Life and STAR programs. “I think building the community and being able to establish a solid foundation outside of here before [they graduate] is why it’s so important for me and other coaches to come in here,” she said about her commitment to volunteering every week.
“Everyone deserves a beautiful life and recovery. We all deserve that, no matter what has gone on in our lives.” After volunteering for 14 months, she now encourages others to offer their time to do the same, saying, “I 100 percent encourage volunteering, whether it’s once a week, once a month or twice a year. Whatever you have time for. It is a valuable place to spend your time.”
Regis Professors – Lawrence Street Community Center

Regis University has a group of nursing professors who have volunteered at Lawrence Street Community Center for many years. Julie, who has overseen this group for over six years says, “The best thing for a group is to get together outside of work and serve with a common goal.” The group comes in the first Wednesday of every month and said, “Being able to help someone in a way they couldn’t do it themselves is the best part.”
They all love the time they spend together and encourage others to volunteer. “I think so many people are afraid of the homeless population and volunteering dispels that,” Jessica said. “If you want to feel more blessed yourself and appreciate your own life and what you have this is a wonderful place to do it. It brings you joy in a way that nothing else does.”
Harmonic Incorporated – 48th Avenue Shelter

Mike Wearsch started volunteering at the Lawrence Street Shelter and has served at most of the other locations before deciding to make 48th Avenue Center his regular weekly volunteer spot. He also took the opportunity to invite his friends and co-workers to join him. The group comes from Harmonic Incorporated and have invited and included co-workers from places such as Israel, Kiev and Ukraine to join when they are in the area.
“It is good to know people by their names. Many of them feel invisible. So, for someone to know them by name and acknowledge their presence gives them joy and purpose in life.” Interacting with the guests is the most important thing to them. To hear what people have gone through, not only motivates their service but is also uplifting to others who volunteer. The group enjoys interacting and watching the progress that guests make as they come in our doors, obtain a job, gain housing, and become self-sufficient. “Volunteering is uplifting. We see it as more lifegiving for us than for those we are serving. When we can see and acknowledge people, we see their stories and truth impact the ways we live.”
Evi, Krista, and Jenn – 48th Avenue Shelter

After learning about Denver Rescue Mission during the pandemic and volunteering regularly during that time, Evi wanted to get more involved. “For me it’s just giving back to my community. Denver’s been great to me, so this is my way of giving back.” She enjoys spending time once a week with her friends and feels good about giving back. “It’s good knowing we are doing something for the community,” she said.
“I think everybody should give volunteering a try, at least once. They will find it’s a great community.” Evi is grateful for the staff and other volunteers who she gets to meet and work with and said, “Shoutout to the crew who does the cooking downtown, they’ve been doing a really good job.”
Krista began volunteering in 2015 and started a weekly shift a few years later. She enjoys serving with others and eventually found Jenn and Evi who were willing to volunteer with her on a weekly basis. She has served at most of the locations, regularly volunteering at two. “God’s blessed me with a pretty decent life and volunteering is one way I can give back to people who are going through their most difficult times in life.”

She enjoys the smiles and the opportunity to speak to every guest who walk through the lines to get their food. “It makes me happy. I can be having the worst day overall, but when I come in here it’s kind of like everything else disappears.” Krista hopes to see more people volunteering in the future, giving their time to support their community because it is a humbling experience.

Jenn loves serving at 48th Avenue Center because it is so interactive with the guests. “I enjoy meeting the men here. It’s an active, kind group of people. I just enjoy getting to know people and their stories.” She feels that the time commitment is short, and Jenn enjoys that it is possible for her to give her time to volunteer while still having a full-time career outside of the Mission.
“For me it’s the people. I go back to the people. I like the personalities, the activity of serving and the energy around it.” Jenn hopes that more people will volunteer because it brings a new perspective on life. “The guys count on volunteers, and I feel disappointed if I can’t make it because people are counting on me; it’s a need our community has.”
These are just a handful of the volunteers who come on a consistent basis. But there are countless others who give their time to serve our community. Look on our website to see more volunteer stories, and if any of these inspired you, consider signing up to volunteer using the link below! Thank you to everyone who helps the Mission change lives in the name of Christ every day.
YOU Can Volunteer, Too!
Anyone can help change lives.
We are grateful for those who join us in serving our neighbors in need.
Written by: Aurora Franzon, Communication and Events Intern