Chaplaincy is an important part of how we engage with and help our guests and participants move out of homelessness. Our team of chaplains is spread across our locations, sharing the love of Jesus with those who feel like they’ve hit rock bottom. They offer optional Bible studies and one-on-one guidance for those who are seeking spiritual support.

Every day our chaplains come alongside people who have experienced addiction, job loss, broken relationships, and more. Many of them have also experienced spiritual hardship and are seeking guidance.
With them, they will pray, read the Bible, have communion, do room visits, hospital visits, and offer any other spiritual care people may need. “We have to rekindle their faith and let them know, ‘God has not forgotten about you. Surely, if you’re here at the Mission, He has not forgotten you,’” Chaplain Shaun said.
For STAR Transitional Program participant, Brenda, Shaun has done just that. “She has been a support system when I am discouraged, so to have that spiritual support means a lot,” Brenda said. “She’s able to uplift me with the word of God, which increases my faith that everything is going to be alright.”
Brenda has been in the Mission’s program once before, but this time she is truly finding a community both inside and outside the Mission. She got connected to a church where she started getting involved and finding the support she needs.
“I think I have been a support for her to know that God has not forgotten her, that she is not here by herself,” Shaun said. “I’m grateful to be that go between for her right now, between her and the church, so that she can stay focused and remember that no matter what, He’s there for her.”
The team of chaplains works closely with the counselors at the Mission to ensure they are best serving people’s needs. “Not all of our participants have access to a church,” Joy, a counselor at The Crossing, said. “If they don’t have a vehicle, they’ll rely on public transportation to get to a church, which could take hours. And so just that presence being here, that knowledge that she has, people can have that church.”

Meet Our First Woman Chaplain
Shaun feels like God called her to work at the Mission, as each day for seven years she gave food to the homeless. “My heart is for those who have been forgotten,” she said. She is grateful that she now gets to share the love of Jesus with those at The Crossing, reminding them that He has not forgotten them, and neither have we.
“God is faithful, and I am grateful!”
Shaun has also helped give spiritual guidance and encouragement to Dedrick, a New Life Program participant. Dedrick has also been in the program once before, but this time has been different.
“I want to become part of the helping hand that I had been given,” he said. “I want to be part of the spiritual foundation that is here, that helped me, that revived me, that maybe even saved my life.”
Dedrick has struggled with alcoholism, relationship difficulties and depression. “It was affecting my spiritual connection with God, and that in turn started affecting my self-esteem, self-worth and my outlook on life,” he said.
Shaun has helped him realize that God still has a plan for him. “She’s helped me have an outlook of thanksgiving and humility,” he said. “I just feel like I got a good shepherd watching over me. I feel grateful to be here with the chaplain staff. It just shows that Denver Rescue Mission is a place for everybody to come and experience God and to help and share their gifts. So, it’s encouraging me to go into this field of spiritual service.” Dedrick is now looking forward to graduating the program and going to school so he can become a minister someday.
“It’s just a blessing to see where he’s come from to now. He’s really sticking with it this time and God is going to show up in his situation so that he can continue to complete the work that he started in,” Shaun said. “I try to encourage him in that and give him materials to read so that when he leaves here, he can get in the church that God wants him in so that he can begin to fulfill his calling. I’m honored to be a part of that.”
“I want them to know that God hasn’t forgotten them because the resurrection clearly spoke to us all and said, ‘I have not forgotten you.’”
Chaplain Shaun

Rene, director of chaplaincy & community care, encourages shelter guests every day.
We engage with guests and participants to help meet their immediate needs and during moments of crisis through:
Develop and provide content for daily devotions
Provide one-on-one engagement for individuals
Provide crisis support to DRM staff when needed
Provide pastoral care to guests and participants
Help guests create community within Mission facilities and churches
Provide classes and groups for guests and participants related to spiritual engagement and growth
We all need to have a supportive community around us, and for those who God has brought to the Mission, being surrounded by people who can point them toward Jesus makes a difference when they are trying to get back on their feet.
“The Mission has given me not just a place to call home for the time—a place of restoration, spiritual growth, learning coping skills, getting my health and things together—but a foundation of connections and the understanding of the parts of myself. I’m going to take all that with me,” Dedrick said.

“I appreciate the donors from the bottom of my heart because I could still be sleeping in my car.”
Remind People They Are Not Alone
With your help, we can give people like Brenda and Dedrick hope for a new life at Denver Rescue Mission. Your donation makes an impact.