Our leaders have been working rigorously alongside the City of Denver and other service providers to best support our neighbors experiencing homelessness during COVID-19.
The Mission is now leading an auxiliary shelter at the National Western Complex starting this week. Until now, the Mission did not have the space or capacity for guests to practice social distancing in our shelters.
What This Means for the Mission’s Normal Services
During this time, the Mission’s Lawrence Street Shelter and 48th Street Shelter will temporarily close. Our staff will be redeployed to the National Western Complex and combine forces with other service providers.
This temporary location will shelter up to 600 men. Each guest will have 60 square feet of social distancing space, which was the recommended space by the Department of Health. Along with basic care like meals, restrooms and showers, guests will have access to medical support and health screenings.
The Lawrence Street Community Center will remain open for meals only:
- Breakfast: 7:00 – 8:30 a.m.
- Lunch 12:00 – 1:00 p.m.
- Dinner 5:00 – 6:30 p.m.
Also, members of the Colorado National Guard are being deployed to support our operations.
During this challenging time, we are continually thankful for the efforts of our staff and the support from our community. See below for the latest news on this topic.
Latest News
DenverGov.org: Denver Adds Hotel Rooms for People Experiencing Homelessness, Welcomes Assistance from Colorado National Guard
9NEWS: National Western Complex to house up to 600 men experiencing homelessness
5280 Online: Mayor Hancock Announces Plans for Denver’s Homeless Population
The Colorado Sun: 600 beds will open at Denver’s National Western complex to give homeless men safer space during coronavirus outbreak
Westword Online: Denver Will Open 600-Person Homeless Shelter at National Western Center
7News: National Guard approved to help Denver homeless, National Western Complex to be turned into shelter
Volunteers Needed
As we focus on our core services during this time, we urgently need volunteers to help us serve meals to our guests and program participants. Please sign up today if you are healthy, under 65 years old and do not have respiratory issues or other health issues.
Donations Needed
We’re dedicating resources and finances toward services that help protect our homeless neighbors during this time. As we respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, we need your help to continue to be available for those in need. Will you join us in this fight?
Supplies Needed
Donations of food and supplies are still urgently needed. We are currently low on toilet paper and hygiene products. If you can donate these items, you can safely and easily drop them off at our Ministry Outreach Center, a drive-up and drop-off location.