Mike Conaway is a retired nurse of 35 years, and Debbie Conaway is a homemaker and counselor. They have been together for 33 years and live in Commerce City. They
are active in their church, love music and thank God daily for what He has done in their lives. They have been serving at the Mission’s chapel services every month for more than two decades.
What inspired you to get involved with the Mission’s chapel services?
We have been involved with the chapel services at the Mission for about 24 years. Before we were
saved, we were caught up in a world of drugs and alcohol. Shortly after being radically saved, we were offered a chance to participate in a chapel service at the Mission. We felt a calling and a connection with the people there.
How are the chapel services typically structured, and what is the main thing that you hope to accomplish through each service?
We always open with prayer and then transition to a time of worship. Then, we give a message and an invitation for salvation and prayer. We have seen many come forward for prayer and invite the Lord into their hearts. If after 24 years, one person was saved, it was all worth it to us. Making disciples is what it’s all about.
What memory from your time at the Mission stands out to you?
We had friends come with us, and they preached about healing. The Holy Spirit was powerful.
How has your involvement with the Mission impacted you personally?
It has shown us that many people are hungry for God without even realizing it, and it is our desire to witness to as many as we can.
Why does the Mission’s work of breaking the cycle of homelessness matter to you?
Jesus said, “What you have done for the least of these, you have done for Me.” Jesus also said, “The poor will always be here,” but we can’t use that as an excuse to ignore people in need. We believe the Mission honors those scriptures.
This post is a part of September’s Changing Lives Newsletter. In this month’s edition, A Blessing Right Around The Corner, you’ll learn more about Pedro, a man who found hope and transformation at LSCC.