Dear Friends,
It has been more than 30 years since we acquired what we now call Harvest Farm. A lot has changed during these 30 years, but the vision to help men overcome addiction by sharing Jesus in a rural setting has not.
I can remember another CEO of a Rescue Mission saying, “Why does Denver Rescue Mission even have a farm if they are an urban ministry?” He was right that it is unusual to have a farm that is owned and operated by a city-based Rescue Mission. There are only a few of them across the country, many of which we have visited as we made improvements to our New Life Program at Harvest Farm.
What is not unusual is that, at times, people from the rural community—from farms, ranches and small towns—need help overcoming addiction. Many men who have come to the Farm would never go to the city for help. They would feel too out of place to stay in our shelters in Denver and join the New Life Program in the city. But if they can go somewhere that they are familiar with— somewhere more sequestered that has cows, chickens, pigs, and corn stalks—then maybe, just maybe, they might join us. And join us they have over the years, from not only Colorado’s rural areas, but from other states as well. Our doors are always open to those who need help. In case you are wondering, we have also helped people from the city in our New Life Program at the Farm.
I think it is significant that most of Jesus’ ministry was in rural settings. From rural people to urban dwellers, we all have troubles. Jesus is there for us all, and that is why we have a Farm. We
want to see people’s lives changed in the name of Jesus, and we will do what is necessary to reach out to people everywhere.
I hope you enjoy reading about the three Peer Leaders featured in this month’s newsletter. And I hope that their desire to give back touches your soul like it has touched mine. It is what this work is all about!

Brad Meuli has been President/CEO at the Mission since 2001. Brad joined the Mission after a 17-year career in banking. Previous to his staff position he served as the Chairman of the Board of Directors. Read his full bio.
This post is a part of October’s Changing Lives Newsletter. In this month’s edition, The Ripple Effect, you’ll learn about how our NLP Graduates are giving back through the Peer Leader Program.