Dear Friends,

Two months ago, I received a phone call from someone who I met when working in a recovery program ten years ago. He struggled with alcoholism since he was a teenager and it had destroyed his marriage, his relationship with his children and his ability to keep a job. He worked hard on trying to overcome this addiction and was finally able to do it with the help of Christ and counselors in the recovery program. To hear him talk about all that God had restored in his life was a testament to God. It was also a testament to the need to have places where those experiencing homelessness can find a safe environment with professionals who have the training and skills to provide them with the tools they need to overcome their addiction.

When I think of the story of the Good Samaritan in the Bible, and read Luke 10:33, “But a Samaritan, as he journeyed, came to where he was, and when he saw him, he had compassion,” I think of our counselors and other staff who see someone facing the challenge of addiction and come alongside them with compassion. And when I read James’ story in this newsletter, I am thankful for Zaria and the team in our New Life Program who decide every day to have compassion for someone else, come alongside them and work with them to overcome the challenges of addiction.

I am also thankful for those who give to and serve Denver Rescue Mission, and, like the Good Samaritan, provide the funds to cover the cost of their counseling, case management, room, and meals while they heal. We are blessed to be able to offer recovery support at no cost to those who need it and can only do that with your ongoing support. Thank you for partnering with us to meet this need.

Tracy Brooks


Tracy Brooks

Tracy Brooks
Chief Programs Officer

This post is part of October’s Changing Lives Newsletter. This month, we’re sharing James’ story of incredible growth through the New Life Program in: Reframing Recovery.

October Changing Lives Newsletter