Dear Friends,
I was listening to a podcast recently and Dawn Gilman, CEO of Changing Homelessness in Jacksonville, Florida, was interviewed. She said something that impacted me in a powerful way that I want to share with you. Jacksonville, like Denver and many other cities, has a memorial
service for people who were homeless who have passed away. This year, it will take place on Winter Solstice, which is on December 21. Denver’s memorial takes place on the steps of the City and County Building in the evening, and anyone can attend. I hope you might think about joining us. Candles are lit, and the names of those who have passed are read out loud. It has been my honor to have read some of those names over the last few years.
Before Dawn reads the names at the memorial in Florida, she reminds everyone that there are six types of people experiencing homelessness:
- Someone’s mom
- Someone’s dad
- Someone’s sister
- Someone’s brother
- Someone’s daughter
- Someone’s son
When I heard her words, I thought of my own family and how much they mean to me. You probably do too. I am so thankful for the opportunity to serve the people we serve. They are someone to somebody. They are people who God loves too. This Thanksgiving, in the face of this pandemic, I am so glad that we can offer a Thanksgiving Banquet-in-a-Box to families and a traditional Thanksgiving dinner to those who enter our doors.
We are grateful, thankful, appreciative, and blessed by your support, which enables us to
serve someone’s loved one.

Brad Meuli has been President/CEO at the Mission since 2001. Brad joined the Mission after a 17-year career in banking. Previous to his staff position he served as the Chairman of the Board of Directors. Read his full bio.
This post is a part of November’s Changing Lives Newsletter. In this edition, Sharing the Harvest, you’ll learn about how your gifts are helping us feed thousands of men, women and children this Thanksgiving.