Dear Friends,

One of the things that has impressed me most about Denver Rescue Mission in my short time here has been how the staff demonstrate radical, Christ-like hospitality to all who come through our doors. Our staff meet people exactly where they are, with love and grace. Hope indeed starts here!

 In the book of James chapter 2 in the Bible, the writer offers these challenging words, “If a brother or sister is naked and lacks daily food, and one of you says to them, ‘Go in peace; keep warm and eat your fill,’ and yet you do not supply their bodily needs, what is the good of that? So faith by itself, if it has no works, is dead.”

When I see the staff at the Mission meet people, like Danny and Latoya (who you’ll meet in this newsletter), where they are, love them, feed them, offer hope, and help in a million ways, I see a glimpse of the Kingdom of God and the same grace that God has so richly offered to each of us.

Yet, the need has never been greater—we are serving more people than ever, costs are rising and we’ve seen a decrease in donations. But praise God we are seeing more results than ever. In 2023 we helped 539 households leave homelessness, and we are on track to exceed this number in 2024. We could not do this without your prayers and financial support.

Thank you for your partnership in this ministry!

Dennis Van Kampen

Grace and peace,

Dennis Van Kampen Signature

Dennis Van Kampen

This post is part of May’s Changing Lives Newsletter. This month, we’re sharing Danny and Latoya’s stories of transformation in: Journeys In & Pathways Out of Homelessness.

May's Changing Lives Newsletter