Dear Friends,
Lately, I just cannot stop thinking about the Bible verse Jeremiah 29:13: “You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.” What I love about this verse is that God wants us to not only seek Him, but He wants to be found. If we seek Him, we will find Him. He wants a relationship with us.
Particularly over the last few months as we have worked through this pandemic, as we have prayed, read His Word, sought His strength, asked for His mercy, and wanted Him to guide us, He has been there. When it gets tough here at Denver Rescue Mission, we know that He is with us. I have been reminded that He is with me.
For many who come to us at the Mission, all they know is that they are homeless. They believe that they just need housing but what they often find through our compassionate, Christ-filled staff, is a Savior who loves them and wants to have a relationship with them. For many, this was not something they expected or even thought they needed, but when they see the staff and volunteers loving them, they want to know more. They start to seek God and He responds by being found!
Relationships are key to this work— relationships between guests and staff as well as volunteers, and our relationship with the God of the universe embodied in the person of Jesus Christ. The grace Jesus showed us—the sacrifice He made for us—guides us in this work. Thank you for allowing us to share Jesus with those who come through our doors as we strive to see lives changed and people moved out of homelessness.

Brad Meuli has been President/CEO at the Mission since 2001. Brad joined the Mission after a 17-year career in banking. Previous to his staff position he served as the Chairman of the Board of Directors. Read his full bio.
This post is part of May’s Changing Lives Newsletter. This month, we’re telling Joella’s story of open doors.