Dear Friends,
I love Romans 8:31-39. These are some of my favorite Easter verses. Nothing can separate any of us from the love of Christ. Nothing. Not even homelessness, addiction, a criminal record, nothing! Jesus came for every single one of us. That is good news!
At Denver Rescue Mission, we see every single human being as someone made in the image of God. God loves every person, has a plan for every life and sent Jesus for everyone, period. It is because of that truth that we strive to see beyond the behavior and sometimes bad choices our guests have made and instead see them as someone God loves and has plans to prosper and not to harm.
We do this by trying to have the same attitude of Jesus who, Paul writes in Philippians 2, humbled himself, considered others and their needs above His own and became obedient, even dying on a cross for each of us. At the Mission we are at our best when we seek to serve with humility the way that Jesus has shown us.
So, this Easter we celebrate in the joy and hope of our resurrected Savior, and we seek to become even closer followers of Him by serving those who are often described as the lost and the least.
Thank you for investing in the work of Denver Rescue Mission and partnering with us in the work God is doing in and through His ministry!

Grace and Peace,

Dennis Van Kampen
Dennis joins Denver Rescue Mission from Mel Trotter Ministries in Grand Rapids, Michigan, after serving as the VP of Programs and then the President/CEO for 12 years.