Dear Friends,
Lately, in light of this pandemic, the loss of jobs, and the slowdown of the quarantine, I am seeing a lot more people on street corners with signs, asking for help. If you are like me, whenever you see people doing this, your heart goes out to them and you wonder, “What could have possibly happened in their lives? What circumstances have led them to have to be in a position of begging for money?”
As this month’s issue of our newsletter talks about, there are many reasons for becoming homeless and for having to panhandle to make ends meet. Like me, you might experience a pain in your heart when you see someone with a sign asking for help. For many of us, it is what makes us want to give someone our spare change or a couple of dollars. Although it might make us feel better, I am certain that it does not foster real change.
At Denver Rescue Mission, we are about fostering long-term change in people’s lives. We want men and women to become self-sufficient and productive citizens with homes to live in and addictions overcome. This is lasting change caused by your generous giving. This is why when someone encounters a person panhandling, I tell them to acknowledge them but say, “No, thank you.” And then, if you would like to help people with permanent change, give to Denver Rescue Mission, to your church or to other organizations who are advocating for the poor. People who panhandle and people experiencing homelessness need your help through Denver Rescue Mission, because we are committed to Changing Lives in the Name of Christ.
Let’s reduce the number of people who are forced to beg on our streets by advocating for them by encouraging real and lasting change. Thank you for your caring hearts and continued partnership!
God Bless,

Brad Meuli has been President/CEO at the Mission since 2001. Brad joined the Mission after a 17-year career in banking. Previous to his staff position he served as the Chairman of the Board of Directors. Read his full bio.
This post is a part of July’s Changing Lives Newsletter. In this month’s edition, Panhandling: The Story Behind the Sign, Mission guests share about their experiences begging on the streets and their true needs that so often go unspoken.