Dear Friends,
One of my favorite parts of the Christmas story involves the shepherds, who we often think of as children in a school or church nativity play. But the shepherds were closer to outcasts than cute little children. Being a shepherd was one of the lowest positions a person could have, and they were not considered to be of much value.
God could have sent his angels to anyone to announce the arrival of Jesus, but He chose the shepherds. The shepherds rushed to go see Jesus, and after, they went everywhere to tell people about the birth of Jesus. They were the first human messengers of the good news!
While we celebrate the good news of Jesus with our guests at the Mission, I can honestly say I have learned more about faith from our guests than I could have ever shared. When one guest I knew well was asked during a TV interview, “What would you say to others who may be struggling in the same way you have?” he answered, “Give Jesus a chance, it will stick!” Like the shepherds, this guest proclaimed the good news about Jesus.
Thank you for all you do to make our ministry possible! We could not do this without you!
Merry Christmas!

Grace and peace,

Dennis Van Kampen
This post is part of December’s Changing Lives Newsletter. This month, we’re sharing how Lindsay’s family found stability and a renewed hope through our Bridge program in: The Gift of Home.