Dear Friends,
In the gospel of Matthew, Jesus shares some challenging words. He informs us that we are to feed the hungry, give clothes to those in need, care for the sick, and welcome in the stranger. Jesus says that in some mysterious way when we do this, we are doing it to Him. When we do not, we are refusing Jesus. He does not qualify who we are to serve.
I am so excited for you to read Nancy’s amazing story, which illustrates how Denver Rescue Mission strives every day to follow Jesus and serve those in need. She needed a place to stay, and she was welcomed in. She was fed when she was hungry. She was diagnosed with a terrible disease, and she found care and eventually healing. Her healing was more than physical. Her needs were met at the Mission.
Even more, she was greeted with kindness and compassion. I believe the staff who work at the Mission are heroes. Each day they strive to serve every single person as if in some mysterious way they are serving Jesus. They do not do this for recognition, fame or fortune. They do this simply because they love Jesus, and this is what He said we should do.
Thank you for partnering in the work of Jesus through Denver Rescue Mission and making it possible!

Grace and Peace,

Dennis Van Kampen