Think about this number: 59,960 hours. This adds up to around seven years’ worth of time. Last year alone, our generous volunteers gave that many hours of their time to the Mission. They are the reason we can give hope to so many people year after year.  

Matthew 25:40 says, “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters, you did for me.”  

Thank you for generously coming alongside our neighbors in need. 

Our work to change lives is not possible without our volunteers. Here are a few of their stories:

These are just a handful of the volunteers who come on a consistent basis. But there are countless others who give their time to serve our community. Look on our website to see more volunteer stories, and if any of these inspired you, consider signing up to volunteer using the link below! Thank you to everyone who helps the Mission change lives in the name of Christ every day. 

YOU Can Volunteer, Too!

Anyone can help change lives.
We are grateful for those who join us in serving our neighbors in need.

Written by: Aurora Franzon, Communication and Events Intern