Emergency Services
People are invited inside, off the street, where their immediate needs are met and critical relationships are built with Mission staff.
Through the power of Christ, working to bring an end to homelessness in Metro Denver and Northern Colorado, one life at a time.
Here’s How.
People are invited inside, off the street, where their immediate needs are met and critical relationships are built with Mission staff.
Men living with an addiction are equipped with work readiness skills, receive help to overcome destructive habits, find permanent housing, and begin a new life.
Families and individuals in need receive case management, develop life skills and save for permanent housing.
People struggling in our community receive assistance with food, clothing, furniture, household items and holiday meals.
Lend your hands and heart to help homeless neighbors.
Join Pathways of Hope and make a monthly difference.
Change lives with your car or truck donation.
Meeting people at their physical and spiritual points of need
Meals Provided
New Life Program Graduates
New Life Program One-Year Success Rate in Housing
Households Obtained More Stable Housing
Check out our latest Annual Report to learn more
about the impact you had last year.