With the support of our community, we create lasting change in the lives of homeless men, women and children in Denver.

Here’s How.

Emergency Services

People are invited inside, off the street, where their immediate needs are met and critical relationships are built with Mission staff.


Men living with an addiction are equipped with work readiness skills, receive help to overcome destructive habits, find permanent housing, and begin a new life.

Community Outreach

People struggling in our community receive assistance with food, clothing, furniture, household items and holiday meals.

Home 99

“When I first came to the Mission, I was ashamed of who I became and I lost pretty much everything. But last year, I was able to talk to my family and now looking back, I don’t feel too ashamed, because I came to start a new life and I’ve just been a lot happier.”

Read Shermon’s Story
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““Being here has been a stress reliever,” Latoya said. “I’ve been able to clear my mind, and I’ve been able to focus on my goals and on me.”

Latoya is now working as a certified nursing assistant, and recently was accepted into nursing school.”

Read Latoya’s Story
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“Going to Denver Rescue Mission really helped me out. I did counseling, Bible studies, started a budget, and started putting money in a savings account,” he said. “Just having a safe place to call home, and not be outside, I just really appreciate what they did for me.”

Read Jerome’s Story
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“The counseling has been a massive help, especially the family counseling because even though they were happy to come home, we were still working on things,” Ralph said.

Read Their Story

Take Action

Lend your hands and heart to help homeless neighbors.

Join Pathways of Hope and make a monthly difference.

Our Impact

Meeting people at their physical and spiritual points of need

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Meals Provided

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Nights of Shelter

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New Life Program Graduates

Home 11


Households Obtained Housing

Check out our latest Annual Report to learn more
about the impact you had last year.

Hope Starts With You
Give now to help men, women and children overcome homelessness and find a path to better lives.

The Latest

Growing Trust

Growing Trust

Stories of Changed Lives
July 1, 2024
In the New Life Program at Harvest Farm, men often find healing through caring for animals. It was through a special bond with a calf named Bolt that Ron learned to trust again, set and achieve goals and find purpose in helping othe…
Letter From Our CEO: March 2024 1

Letter From Our CEO: July 2024

July 1, 2024
As you read this, I am closing in on six months with Denver Rescue Mission. It has been a blessing! I have been asked a lot what has impressed me the most—my answer is seeing how God is working in and through this minist…

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