Denver Mayor Michael B. Hancock issued a stay-at-home order for the the city of Denver which goes into effect March 24 at 5 p.m..
This does not include essential services like Denver Rescue Mission. Volunteers can still come to help us with our work. We will continue providing emergency services for people experiencing homeless and our staff will continue to support this work at all levels.

Thank you for volunteering, donating and praying for the Mission during these difficult times. We care about you and the people we serve. I know that God is in control and he will guide us through this time. I love this quote from Bob Goff, author of Love Does.
“I think God sometimes uses the completely inexplicable events in our lives to point us towards him. We get to decide each time whether we will lean in towards what is unfolding and say yes or back away.”
Bob Goff
Thank you for standing with us,
Brad Meuli
To Help Protect Our Guests and Volunteers
- We are sanitizing tabletops, chairs, door knobs, and all high contact areas hourly
- We reduced contact between our kitchen staff, volunteers and guests by not having kitchen staff and volunteers in the eating area
- We added hand washing stations and hand sanitizer stations to key locations in our facilities
- We hired new temporary staff to assist in providing services
You Can Help During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Volunteers Needed
As we focus on our core services during this time, we urgently need volunteers to help us serve meals to our guests and program participants. Please sign up today if you are healthy, under 65 years old and do not have respiratory issues or other health issues.
Donations Needed
We’re dedicating resources and finances toward services that help protect our homeless neighbors during this time. As we respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, we need your help to continue to be available for those in need. Will you join us in this fight?
Supplies Needed
Donations of food and supplies are still urgently needed. We are currently low on toilet paper and hygiene products. If you can donate these items, you can safely and easily drop them off at our Ministry Outreach Center, a drive-up and drop-off location.