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As a case manager, I help serve individuals and families devastated by homelessness at Denver Rescue Mission. Sometimes, it’s so heartbreaking to see how difficult it can be for our struggling neighbors to find adequate housing when they need it most. Often, they face nearly impossible barriers to find someplace to live, which is why family homelessness in Denver is so tragically high.
But I love this work.
Families in need, like Tabitha’s, are able to find support and healing in the Mission’s Transitional Programs.
One family I worked with included a mom and dad*, who both had disabilities. Unable to afford a place to live with their limited income, they ended up living in a tent on the streets along with their preteen daughter. Later, they learned about Denver Rescue Mission and joined our one-year STAR Transitional Program.
Both parents were disabled. Unable to afford a place to live with their limited income.
I immediately went to work helping them overcome their barriers. I quickly discovered that the mom had a college degree, and before long, we helped her find a high-paying, full-time job in her field, with an employer willing to work with her disability. Over the next several months, she was able to save $7,000 and finally moved her family into their own apartment, completely self-sufficient!
I help them set goals, like finding a job and saving money.
It’s not always that easy, of course. Homelessness can be so complicated and messy. Many of the men and women I see have past evictions, criminal backgrounds or other difficult barriers. So, first, I help them set goals, like finding a job and saving money. Then, we work hard at helping them overcome whatever is holding them back from reaching their goals.
We teach them how to save money, how to settle past debts and how to write letters to landlords. Step by step, we walk alongside them until they finally reach their goals.
Hundreds of individuals and households have gone through the Mission’s transitional programs, and many now have their own housing and are living independently.
Every day, I get to partner with Jesus and help individuals and families move from brokenness and homelessness to wholeness. Every day, I see Jesus jump into someone’s life to bring holistic healing and to help them thrive. Every day, I witness how hard people—people who have been so hurt—are willing to work to better their lives.
And when I see them make those breakthroughs, I am filled with so much gratitude for our Lord’s faithfulness.
I get to partner with Jesus and help individual and families move from brokenness and homelessness to wholeness.
When people in Denver read about homelessness or see it on the news, I’m sure it can seem like it’s hopeless. But if there’s one thing I wish you, as a donor, could see—it’s how much hope there is here. The men, women and children we serve are filled with all the boundless potential that God has blessed them with, and when they realize that potential, hope is reborn.
What you are doing as a donor of Denver Rescue Mission is truly God’s Kingdom work. You’re truly advancing God’s Kingdom, changing lives in Christ’s name, transforming families, and even changing our entire Denver community. And I’m so grateful for everything you do.
By: Rachel Lopez, Director of Support Services
*Client’s name and photo have been left out for privacy purposes.
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