Letter From the CEO: May 2019

Dear Friends,

I am often asked, “How do we solve the issue of homelessness?” During my 20 years at the Mission, I have learned there is no single solution to solving this complex issue. If there was, we would have used it to solve this problem!

Helping people experiencing homelessness takes a collaborative effort. The more people involved with this issue, the better. City government, neighbors, businesses, other service providers, the faith community, and volunteers all make solutions happen. Partners who are in this with us are invaluable in helping people become productive, self-sufficient citizens.

This month’s newsletter talks about, and celebrates, four of these partners. Frankly, we could not list all of the partners we have worked with in our efforts to move people out of poverty, but we are so thankful for all of them.

Many of our partners never get credit, but they really are unsung heroes. Sometimes, organizations we work with do what they do out of faith beliefs, sometimes because they just care, but all of them do it because they believe—like us—that helping people is good and the right thing to do. I hope you will enjoy reading about these four partners and will think about what you, your friends, your church, or maybe your company might be able to do to partner in this critical work.

Let me finish with this quote, “You can tell a man’s [or woman’s] character by what he [or she] does for others who can do nothing for him [or her].”

These four partners, like you—our donors and volunteers—are people of character. Thank you for your partnership!

God Bless,

Brad Meuli President & CEO

Donate Today! And Help People

Experiencing Homelessness Move Forward

Read the Full Newsletter

Also in this issue:

  • Mother’s Day at the Mission
  • Staff Spotlight
  • Rockie’s Cleanup