Dear Friends,
Every single day at the Mission we serve anyone who comes to us for help, and we strive to humble ourselves, like Jesus. In this newsletter you will read amazing stories of life change. Each of these stories include many people at the Mission who met the person exactly where they are, without judgment, and humbly served them.
One of my favorite passages in the Bible—and most challenging passages for me to live out—is Philippians chapter 2. The writer, Paul, starts by saying we should not do anything out of selfish ambition, but rather, value others above ourselves and look to their interests before our own. He drives the point home by calling us to have the heart and attitude of Jesus, who humbled himself, served and died for others, for you and me.
When Paul writes that we should value all others, it doesn’t mean that there are any qualifiers like, “only serve these people or people like me, or people that I know, etc.” Rather, the way of Jesus is to serve all others.
We remind ourselves here that Jesus knelt on a dirty ground and washed the feet of the disciples, even the ones who He knew would deny Him and the one He knew would betray Him. Jesus did not pick and choose. He humbled himself and served, and that is how and why we do what we do at the Mission. Thank you for partnering with us in the ministry!

Grace and peace,

Dennis Van Kampen