Stitchin’ with a Mission is a group that meets twice a month to stitch handmade items to help people in need. They are a part of the Missions Committee at Parker Evangelical Presbyterian Church.

Will you describe your church group that stitches to support the Mission?
Stitchin’ with a Mission is a group of about seven women and girls who meet twice a month to make clothing and apparel for people in need. We’ve been stitching hats and scarves for the Mission for the past three years. We also do a church-wide collection of purchased hats, scarves and gloves in addition to the handmade items.
How many items did you donate last year, and how long did they take to make?
A total of about 500 items were donated to the Mission. I’d say close to 200 hats were handmade and about 70 scarves. We work on the items from January to November each year and create them by knitting, crocheting and stitching on a knitting loom, which takes about three hours to make per hat.
What inspired you to help start this group?
I had been making hats on my own and got connected with another woman at church who was making scarves, and we teamed up to start the group. God has really laid on my heart the need to help people who are less fortunate. He has really impressed on me the concept that when we help others who are less fortunate, we are really ministering to Jesus. This group is just an outpouring of that, and the women who come all have that same heart.
What is the goal of the group?
The goal of the group is to serve the Lord through our gifts of handwork and use our talents for His glory and for those who are less fortunate. We’re hoping to encourage people that they can use little gifts to make a big impact in someone’s life.
What made you choose Denver Rescue Mission as the recipient of these items?
We saw individuals who needed help, and nothing’s worse than being cold. It doesn’t solve the entire problem, but it helps. My son works as a paramedic in Denver, and I once made him a hat. He told me that he was working night shifts at the time and saw a man who was homeless. He goes,“Mom, I gave him my hat because he needed it more than I did.” That was an inspiration to me.
Why does Denver Rescue Mission matter to you?
In Parker, we run into a number of people who are experiencing homelessness, and we get a glimpse of the work that you’re doing. I just think it’s wonderful, and the fact that you’re doing it in the name of Christ and spreading the word of the Lord while you’re doing it is just fantastic.
This post is a part of February’s Changing Lives Newsletter. This month discusses the problem of sleep deprivation for people experiencing homelessness.